Discogenic Pain: Where it hurts isn’t always where the problem is!

Have you ever experienced pain in your shoulder blade, upper arm, or even your elbow? And wondered why these areas hurt when you haven’t done anything to injure them? The answer might lie in your neck! Way back in 1959, a doctor named Ralph Bingham Cloward discovered that problems in the discs of your neck…

Do you experience calf pain and cramps while exercising or exerting yourself?

Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome (PAES) is a condition where the main artery behind the knee (the popliteal artery) gets squeezed by muscles around it. This can cause pain or cramping in your calf, especially when you’re active. It’s like trying to drink a thick milkshake through a narrow straw that gets pinched, making it hard…